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FARSSRU organized training for information technology systems of SSRU
On 29 January 2019, the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts organized an information technology trainin ...
2020-02-05 13:35:26
FARSSRU went to provide educational guidance to the students at Thepleela School
On 24 January 2020, The Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts attend educational guidance. "World wi ...
2020-02-03 15:58:00
Teacher Ceremony
On 23 January 2020 Visual Communication Design Department organizing the "Teacher Ceremony" ...
2020-02-03 15:42:08
"Paper Cut" (The Freshman Students of Painting Department)
"Paper Cut" (The Freshman Students of Painting Department)In the Composition Art 2 Subjust ...
2020-02-03 15:29:36
Creative Product Design organize workshop at SA-Yai-Som Witthaya School
On 20 January 2020, Creative Product Design Department organized a workshop for students. The Worksh ...
2020-01-31 15:37:03
The Music Department has organized academic services for the Suan-Aoi community.
On 18 January 2020, Music Department organized academic services at Suan-Aoi Community, Dusit Distri ...
2020-01-31 15:00:30
Visual Communication Design provided scholarships to students with good grades. Academic Year 2019
Miss Sasikarn TheewatasMiss Siriwan KrajaiVisual Communication Design Department provided scholarshi ...
2020-01-28 11:18:57
We invite you to join the Wai Kru Ceremony of the Visual Communication Design Department.
Public RelationsFAR Facebook Fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/FARSSRUfanpage/FAR website :&nb ...
2020-01-22 20:01:58
FARSSRU organized a lecture to give knowledge about the joint degree program
14 January 2020, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts organized a lecture to give knowledge about the Jo ...
2020-01-22 15:48:56
FARSSRU organize the first-orientation for Chinese students
On 14 January 2020 Faculty of Fine and Apllied Arts organize the first orientation for Chinese stude ...
2020-01-20 20:02:20
Archive News