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Students who receive excellent thesis

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2021-05-05 17:37:57

Students who receive excellent thesis
Nattamon Anusaksiri, The Art of Writing: Dream State

It presents a story about falling into a dream state, which is often a reflection of things that come from the subconscious, in connection with the imagination, emotions and feelings that are the components of birth. A dream

It presents a story about falling into a dream state, often in a dream, which is a reflection of things that come from the subconscious in connection with imagination. Emotions and feelings that make up dreams.

"14Bullet" Art Thesis Exhibition 2021, Annual Art Thesis Exhibition, 2021

Fourth-year undergraduate student in Painting, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University at Wang Na Art Gallery Opening ceremony 30 April 2021 time 17.00

Art Thesis Exhibition 2021
Fine Art 14, Painting, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts,
Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University.
At Wangna Art Gallery
Opening Reception on 30 April 2021 17.00 p.m.
# 14BulletExhibition

Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts

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